I was driving down the street and I watched some 1st and 2nd graders jump up and down, and skip across the crosswalk as they’re escorted by their parents to go home from school. Cute little kids I thought. It reminds me of the old concepts you learn, like FREE Play. But then it dawned on me. The old adage applies. Nothing is ever free.
After picking up some milk from my market and I started pondering while waiting at the checkout line: Is vBulletin 4 Series Truly free? My conclusion: NOPE. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. It’s not free.
This is how it works. Your terms of your old legacy license will still be carried forward. It will be honored (oh joy….). But to qualify for future updates, you’ll need to purchase a vBulletin 4 license so you can get your updates.
vBulletin 3 Translation: That means even if we want our old vBulletin 3 updates, regardless if its major, or minor (and maybe the occasional security patch that’s too big for a plugin or file), we’re going to have to pay that dreaded price… of $175.00
vBulletin 4 Translation: If you want to keep on getting vBulletin 4 updates after your legacy license expires, you need to pay $175.00
So exactly how is that free? That’s my question. Oh and let’s not forget that wonderful $80.00 support fee they’re now wanting from us so we can talk privately over support tickets.
So let’s just Split $175.00 over 40.00 or 60.00 respectively:
40.00 renewal at 175.00 rate: Between 4-5 Years to recoup costs
60.00 renewal at 175.00 rate: Between 2-3 Years to recoup costs
Anyone want that $80.00 price tag slapped in there?
40.00 renewal at 255.00 rate: Between 6-7 Years to recoup costs
60.00 renewal at 255.00 rate: Between 4-5 Years to recoup costs
I however, think the most sad thing is the misinformation customers have bought into and are now spreading. Customers have drank the punch or the IB flavored Kool-Aid. They’re wearing the new IB Rose Coloured Glasses. They’ve been conned and scammed to believe that they’re truely getting vBulletin 4 for free.
A couple of excerpts from the pre-sales forum today:
“It *is* free to current license holders. Or will be when it comes out.”
“I looked in my members area and I have a current license and it said my upgrade is FREE! to the 4.0”
Folks, WAKE UP. We’re being scammed. They’re trying to lessen the hurt buy sugar coating everything. The reality is we’re still going to have to buy a vBulletin 4 License even if we want vBulletin 3 updates. So much for free right?